Designers, especially Android icon pack designers need the original app icon to maintain the default structure of the app logo while designing an icon for launcher icon packs. As Google Play is the largest and official Android application store, everyone searches Google Play for the app icons. But, you may notice that when we try to save an image from Google Play it saves as WEBP format. Taking the screen shot of the image is the quick fix for it, but, I have another simple solution which is as simple as taking a screenshot.
If it's still not clear here is an example. In the example I am using Android Chrome Browser icon image from Google Play.
1. Open the below URL and remove the red highlighted part (-rw) from it, then reload the URL again to enable save as PNG.
2. Change the blue highligted part of the URL (300) to a different number to resize the image.
That's it ...
Google generates the thumbnails dynamically at runtime that means you can pass the width via the image URL to resize the image to a higher resolution. In the image URL you can see the default width specified by them eg. =w300 changing the 300 to a higher value will increase the image width to the specified one. You can also set a lower value to reduce the image size.SAVE APP ICON IMAGE IN GOOGLE PLAY AS PNG
As the width passed through the URL Google also uses another parameter named -rw after the width to return the image as WEBP. So reloading the image URL without -rw will allow you to save the image as PNG.If it's still not clear here is an example. In the example I am using Android Chrome Browser icon image from Google Play.
1. Open the below URL and remove the red highlighted part (-rw) from it, then reload the URL again to enable save as PNG.
2. Change the blue highligted part of the URL (300) to a different number to resize the image.
That's it ...
Great thanks your infomation